Alfred Kahn

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There are 5 quotes matching Alfred Kahn in the collection:

Whenever competition is feasible it is, for all its imperfections, superior to regulation as a means of serving the public interest.

Alfred Kahn

Airline economist & Chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board.

Maybe it's sex appeal, but there's something about an airplane that drives investors crazy.

Alfred Kahn

Often called the father of airline deregulation. Quoted in World Airline Cooperation Review, International Air Transport Association, Public Information Department, 1975.

People Express is clearly the archetypical deregulation success story and the most spectacular of my babies. It is the case that makes me the proudest.

Alfred Kahn

Professor of Political Economy, Cornell University, Time magazine, 13 Jan 1986.

I really don’t know one plane from the other. To me they are just marginal costs with wings.

Alfred Kahn

Cornell University economist and chief architect of deregulation U.S. airlines. Quoted in The New York Times newspaper, 28 December 2010.

I don’t think it’s my highest aspiration to make it possible for people to jet all over the world when the future clearly has to belong to substituting telecommunications for travel.

Alfred Kahn

Cornell University economist and chief architect of deregulation U.S. airlines. 2008 interview with The New York Times newspaper from his obituary, published 28 December 2010. .

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