Chesley \'Sully\' Sullenberger

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There are 4 quotes matching Chesley \'Sully\' Sullenberger in the collection:

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Captain Chesley 'Sully' Sullenberger III & First Officer Jeff Skiles

Captain Sully asking for input from F/O Jeff Skiles (and his reply) while flying an unpowered A320 over New York after suffering a bird strike that disabled both engines at low altitude. They glided perfectly into the Hudson river with no loss of life. From NTSB transcript, US Airways flight 1549, 15 January 2009.

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This is the Captain. brace for impact.

Chesley 'Sully' Sullenberger III

Captain of US Airways Flight 1549, at 15:49 local time, 15 January 2009, an A320 that had lost power from both engines after flying into a flock of birds. CVR transcript, NTSB final report. Three seconds later the GPWS sounded “one thousand”. Two minutes later they were in the Hudson River.

US Airways 1549 over the Hudson River

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That’s what we’re trained to do.

Chesley 'Sully' Sullenberger III

Captain of US Airways flight 1549. The A320 ditched in the Hudson River with no loss of life after suffering a low-altitude duel engine failure.

The New York Times reported on 16 January 2009 that he:

“[H]ad just performed a remarkable feat of flying. Some were calling it a miracle. But there he stood, calmly, inside the glass waiting room at the New York Waterway terminal on Pier 79, speaking to police officials. His fine gray hair was unruffled, and his navy blue pilot’s uniform had barely a wrinkle.” 15 January 2009.

See four other Sully Sullenberger great aviation quotes.

There can’t be a checklist for everything. Procedural compliance is a necessary but not sufficient condition for safety.

Chesley 'Sully' Sullenberger

Interview with Roger Rapoport and Shem Malmquist, April 2021.

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