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There are 3 quotes matching E. B. Jeppesen in the collection:
I didn't start the business to make a pile of money. I did it to preserve myself for old age.
E. B. Jeppesen
And let’s get one thing straight. There’s a big difference between a pilot and an aviator. One is a technician; the other is an artist in love with flight.
E. B. Jeppesen
Quoted in An Afternoon with ‘Jepp’ and the OX5, Air Line Pilot magazine, March 1997.
I didn't start out to chart the skies; it's just no one had done it before.
E. B. Jeppesen
Captain Jeppesen (United) drew the first approach charts to airports, and founded the company that now supplies them electronically to airlines around the world. Quoted in the book 2007 book Capt. Jepp And The Little Black Book.
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