Felix Riesenberg

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There are 2 quotes matching Felix Riesenberg in the collection:

We must remember that the sea is no respector of ships or persons. The sea is always ready, at the first sign of failure, to rush in and destroy the very craft it so readily supports upon the surface of the water. The sea is only safe and harmless so long as the ship is safe and seaworthy and ably handled.

Felix Riesenberg

Standard Seamanship for the Merchant Service, 1922.

No matter how important a man at sea may consider himself, unless he is fundamentally worthy the sea will some day find him out. If a wrong move is made at sea, in a critical moment, death may be the penalty for the most simple failure—not only death to one but to many. Incompetence may prevail upon the shore but at sea it sooner or later is ruthlessly uncovered and utter disaster often follows in its wake.

Felix Riesenberg

Preface to his huge book Standard Seamanship for the Merchant Service, 1922. .

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