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There are 5 quotes matching Jackie Cochran in the collection:
I never really wanted to copy men or to do what men can or should do better. I only wanted to be myself. And for me that meant flying. I had to take that fast airplane whenever it became available to me and then make the best of it.
Jackie Cochran
Who got to fly fast a lot. She still holds more distance and speed records than any pilot living or dead, male or female. : An autobiography, 1987.
It makes no difference what a pilot’s reproductive organs are shaped like. It’s skill that matters.
General Chuck Yeager
Quoted in 1987 book Jackie Cochran: An autobiography.
See nine other Chuck Yeager great aviation quotes.
I’d have given my right eye to be an astronaut.
Jackie Cochran
Quoted in 1987 book : An autobiography.
They don't build airplanes that take superhumans to fly them. If they did, they wouldn't sell very many of them.
Chuck Yeager
Talking to Jackie Cochran, quoted in the 1987 book Jackie Cochran: An autobiography.
See nine other Chuck Yeager great aviation quotes.
I can cure your men of walking off the [flight] program. Just put some girl pilots on.
Jackie Cochran
Director of the WASP, to General Arnold on how to get people to fly the B-26. September 1942. Quoted in 2003 book The Columbia Documentary History of American Women, 1941-2000.
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