Katherine Stinson

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There are 4 quotes matching Katherine Stinson in the collection:

When I began to talk about flying, she already had confidence in me. My mother never warned me not to do this or that for fear of being hurt, Of course I got hurt, but I was never afraid.

Katherine Stinson

Quoted in 1995 book Women Aviators.

I have found that women are not only just as much interested as men are in flying, but apparently have less fear than the men have. At least, more women than men asked to go up with me. And when I took them up, they seemed to enjoy it.

Katherine Stinson

Quoted in 2000 book : The Flying Schoolgirl.

It's all right if your automobile goes wrong while you are driving it. You can get out in the road and tinker with it. But if your airplane breaks down, you can't sit on a convenient cloud and tinker with that!

Katherine Stinson

American Magazine, 1917.

In the early days it was fun to fly. You could soar over rooftops and trees, or drop down to meet a passing train and wave at the engineer. The whole sky belonged to you. now there are so many regulations. The sky is crowded. All the fun is gone.

Katherine Stinson

Quoted in : The Flying Schoolgirl by Debra L. Winegarten, 2000. .

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