Michael O\'Leary

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There are 13 quotes matching Michael O\'Leary in the collection:

Air transport is just a glorified bus operation.

Michael O’Leary

CEO Ryanair CEO, quoted in BusinessWeek Online, 12 September 2002.

See two other Michael O'Leary great aviation quotes.

Code-sharing, alliances, and connections are all about “how do we screw the poor customer for more money?"

Michael O’Leary

Ryanair, quoted in BusinessWeek Online, 12 September 2002.

See nine other Michael O’Leary great aviation quotes.

If someone wanted to pay £5 to go to the toilet I would carry them myself. I would wipe their bums for a fiver.

Michael O’Leary

Ryanair CEO. Quoted in The Guardian newspaper, 3 June 2009.

See nine other Michael O’Leary great aviation quotes.

I don’t give a toss where people want to go. I’m in the business of creating a market for people to go where they have never heard of.

Michael O’Leary

Ryanair CEO. Quoted in The Guardian newspaper, 3 June 2009.

See nine other Michael O’Leary great aviation quotes.

We don’t fall over ourselves if they say ‘my Granny fell ill. What part of no refund don’t you understand? You are not getting a refund so fuck off.

Michael O’Leary

Ryanair CEO. Quoted in The Guardian newspaper, 3 June 2009.

See nine other Michael O’Leary great aviation quotes.

The unions need to be taken on. British Airways is massively over-staffed and has got to get its costs down… The problem for [chief executive] Willie Walsh is that the board of BA has no spine, no balls and no vision.

Michael O’Leary

CEO Ryanair CEO, The Telegraph newspaper, 24 February 2010.

See nine other Michael O’Leary great aviation quotes.

Why does every plane have two pilots? Really, you only need one pilot. let’s take out the second pilot. Let the bloody computer fly it.

Michael O’Leary

CEO Ryanair, regards eliminating co-pilots in airline operations. Interview in Bloomberg Businessweek, 2 September 2010

See nine other Michael O’Leary great aviation quotes.

Short of committing murder, negative publicity sells more seats than positive publicity.

Michael O’Leary

CEO Ryanair, speaking to Marketing Magazine, 2 August 2013

See two other Michael O'Leary great aviation quotes.

We should try to eliminate things that unnecessarily piss people off.

Michael O’Leary

Ryanair CEO, in an apparent change to their customer service philosophy. At Annual General Meeting, Dublin, 20 Sep 2013.

See nine other Michael O’Leary great aviation quotes.

The airline industry is full of bullshitters, liars and drunks. We excel at all three in Ireland.

Michael O'Leary

Ryanair CEO. Quoted in Michael O’Leary’s 33 daftest quotes, The Guardian newspaper, 8 November 2013.

See nine other Michael O’Leary great aviation quotes.

I don't give a shit if no one likes me. I’m not a cloud bunny or an aerosexual. I don't like aeroplanes. I never wanted to be a pilot like those other platoons of goons who populate the airline industry.

Michael O’Leary

Ryanair CEO. Quoted in Michael O'Leary’s 33 daftest quotes, The Guardian newspaper, 8 November 2013.

See two other Michael O'Leary great aviation quotes.

The airline business is it is mostly run by a bunch of spineless nincompoops who actually don’t want to stand up to the environmentalists and call them the lying wankers that they are.

Michael O’Leary

Ryanair CEO. Quoted in Michael O'Leary’s 33 daftest quotes, The Guardian newspaper, 8 November 2013.

See nine other Michael O’Leary great aviation quotes.

I believe they’re all fucking Toyota Corollas.

Michael O'Leary

Ryanair CEO, regards the technical differences between Airbus, Boeing & Comac airliners. In Fortune magazine article, 18 November 2013.

See nine other Michael O’Leary great aviation quotes. .

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