Robert \'Bob\' Crandall

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There are 9 quotes matching Robert \'Bob\' Crandall in the collection:

The airline business is fast-paced, high risk, and highly leveraged. It puts a premium on things I like to do. I think I communicate well. And I am very good at detail. I love detail.

Robert 'Bob' Crandall

CEO & President of American Airlines. Quoted in the 1995 book Hard Landing: The Epic Contest for Power and Profits That Plunged the Airlines into Chaos.

Bob Crandall AA

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I’ve said many times that I’d be thrilled to sell the airline to the employees and our guys said no, we’ll take all the money, anyway.

Robert 'Bob' Crandall

1997. Quoted in the 2007 book Why Can't We Make Money in Aviation?

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You fucking academic eggheads! You don’t know shit. You can't deregulate this industry. you’re going to wreck it. You don’t know a goddamn thing!

Robert 'Bob' Crandall

CEO American Airlines, addressing a Senate lawyer prior to airline deregulation, 1977.

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The game we are playing is closest to the old game of Christians and lions.

Robert 'Bob' Crandall

CEO & President of American Airlines, speech to American’s top marketing executives, February 1981. Quoted in the 1995 book Hard Landing: The Epic Contest for Power and Profits That Plunged the Airlines into Chaos.

See seven other Robert 'Bob' Crandall great aviation quotes.

I think it’s dumb as hell, for Christ’s sake all right, to sit here and pound the shit out of each other and neither one of us making a fucking dime.

Well —

I mean, goddamn! What the fuck is the point of it?

Nobody asked American to serve Harlingen. Nobody asked American to serve Kansas City… If you’re going to overlay every route of American’s on top of every route that Braniff has, I can't just sit here and allow you to bury us without giving you our best effort.

Oh sure, but Eastern and Delta do the same thing in Atlanta and have for years.

Do you have a suggestion for me?

Yes, I have a suggestion for you. Raise your goddamn fares twenty percent. I’ll raise mine the next morning. you’ll make more money and I will too.

Robert, we can’t talk about pricing.

Oh, bullshit, Howard. We can talk about any goddamn thing we want to talk about.

Robert 'Bob' Crandall and Howard Putnam

Telephone conversation on or about 21 February 1982. From United States v. American Airlines Inc. and Robert L. Crandall, U.S. District Court, CA383-0325D.

If the pilots were in charge, Columbus would still be in port. They believe the assertion that the world is flat.

Robert 'Bob' Crandall

CEO American Airlines, Speech at the Harvard Club, 14 September 1993. Quoted in American Airlines to Cut 5,000 Jobs and Trim Fleet, The New York Times, 15 September 1993.

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This is a nasty, rotten business.

Robert 'Bob' Crandall

CEO & President of American Airlines, 1994. Quoted in the 1995 book Hard Landing: The Epic Contest for Power and Profits That Plunged the Airlines into Chaos.

Bob and Herb, rivals and friends

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If you want to travel on the airline system, you give up your privacy. If you want your privacy, don’t fly. Flying is voluntary.

Robert 'Bob' Crandall

Former CEO American Airlines, April 2002.

See seven other Robert 'Bob' Crandall great aviation quotes.

I think this is a great business, it makes a great contribution to the world, but I don’t think it’s an investable business.

Robert 'Bob' Crandall

Former CEO American Airlines. Interview on CNBC TV after coronavirus hit and Warren Buffett sold all his stakes in airlines. 4 May 2020.

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