William \'Billy\' Mitchell

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There are 6 quotes matching William \'Billy\' Mitchell in the collection:

A squadron commander who sits in his tent and gives orders and does not fly, though he may have the brains of Soloman, will never get the results that a man will, who, day in and day out, leads his patrols over the line and infuses into his pilots the 'espirit de corps.'

Brigadier General William 'Billy' Mitchell, USAS

In a report on the success of Eddie Rickenbacker. Quoted in the 1960 book The Aces.

The Aces

See two other William 'Billy' Mitchell great aviation quotes.

The most important branch of aviation — that is, pursuit, which fights for and gains control of the air.

Brigadier General William 'Billy' Mitchell, USAS

Our Army’s Air Service, The American Review of Reviews magazine, volume LXII, July-December 1920.

Billy Mitchell

See three other Billy Mitchell great aviation quotes.

In the war to come, God will be on the side of the heaviest air force. Don’t forget it. Keep your eyes on the sky!

Brigadier General William 'Billy' Mitchell, USAS

Back at Langley Field after the Ostfisland was sunk, 20 July 1921. Quoted in the Reader's Digest magazine, April 1949.

See three other Billy Mitchell great aviation quotes.

It is probable that future war will be conducted by a special class, the air force, as it was by the armored Knights of the Middle Ages.

Brigadier General William 'Billy' Mitchell

Winged Defense, 1924.

See two other William 'Billy' Mitchell great aviation quotes.

In the development of air power, one has to look ahead and not backward and figure out what is going to happen, not too much what has happened.

Brigadier General William 'Billy' Mitchell USAS

Aeronautical Era, Hearing before the Select Committee of Inquiry into Operation of the United States Air Services, 1925.

See three other Billy Mitchell great aviation quotes.

Most healthy young men or women from sixteen to forty years of age can be taught to fly an ordinary airplane. A great majority of these may become very good pilots for transport- or passenger-carrying machines in time of peace; but the requirements for a military aviator call for more concentrated physical and mental ability in the individual than has ever been necessary in any calling heretofore.

Brigadier General William 'Billy' Mitchell

Skyways, 1930.

See two other William 'Billy' Mitchell great aviation quotes. .

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